Posts Tagged ‘joomla’

Kariyer hedefleriniz ve başarınız için : BETA Eğitim

New WordPress theme from YOOtheme

Welcome ‘Explorer’, our new December theme. The Explorer theme features really extensive themed variations for different purposes and different font-faces using CSS3. Like all our latest themes, Explorer is based on the Warp5 WordPress theme framework.

Kendimizin veya şirketimizin geleceğine yatırım yapmak için: BETA Eğitim

New Warp 5.5 framework

Over the last couple of months we developed the new Warp 5.5 theme framework which is the new foundation of all our YOOtheme templates. In this time we have rewritten the complete Warp theme framework to make it more modular, flexible and also extendible. All templates from 2010 and 2009 are updated to run on the new framework. This means more than 20 templates are using Warp 5.5!


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